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HomeEntrepreneurship7 Books to Read in 2017

7 Books to Read in 2017

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While you can learn a lot from YouTube videos and online tutorials, there is still nothing like learning a book. Here are a few titles we recommend for living your best, Blackest, most profitable year yet.  

Our Black Year: One Family’s Quest to Buy Black in America’s Racially Divided Economy

By Maggie Anderson Thinking about getting more involved with this “buying Black” thing? Well, this book, chronicling one family’s year-long pledge to support Black businesses and service providers, is the place to start for motivation.  

The Power of Broke

By Daymond John Learn about launching your passions regardless of how much money is in the bank with this business manifesto from the founder of FUBU. John famously grew his company FUBU from a hustle out of the basement to a multi-million dollar apparel empire, with sales reaching over $350 million at the brand’s peak in 1998. His book draws upon his success and the successes of other entrepreneurs who have made it happen on a shoestring budget.     

Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Successful Business from Scratch—Naturally

By Miko Branch Calling all you beauty-based entrepreneurs. Take a break from mixing batches of your latest product and pick up some strategy from the story of the Miss Jessie’s empire.  

PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America

By Dr. Claud Anderson Dr. Anderson outlines his idea for empowering Black America to economic self-sufficiency within 5 years. Although his vision was for us to reach this benchmark by 2005, the ideas behind this timeline are still relevant today.  

Black American Money

Dr. Boyce Watkins This book by “The People’s Scholar” and outspoken advocate for Black economic advancement outlines how Black power can exist within the framework of America’s capitalist society.  

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant

By W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne If you’ve already read the rest and are ready for a book to help you in business, this breakout text details how success is found not by clawing your way to the top of a crowded market, but rather, creating your own, unique avenue to success.  

50 Billion Dollar Boss: African American Women Sharing Stories of Success in Entrepreneurship and Leadership

By Kathey Porter and Andrea Hoffman For a dose of inspiration, check out this book highlighting the success stories of Black women in business. The book’s title was inspired by the finding that businesses owned by African-American women generated nearly $50 billion in revenue from 1997 to 2014.  ]]>

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