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HomeCoronavirusAir Purifier Systems Is Here to Help You Outsmart COVID-19 and Clean...

Air Purifier Systems Is Here to Help You Outsmart COVID-19 and Clean Your Air

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These days, indoor air quality is a major concern for everyone from business owners to everyday folks. Black-owned Air Purifier Systems sells a wide-range of equipment that promises to clean the air you breathe for better health and peace of mind in the midst of a seemingly endless pandemic. 

In 2018, sales professional Leo Petal was interested in starting a business that could generate passive income and leave a legacy of wealth for his children. Settling on e-commerce as the way forward, he says he sifted through 27 products that he could sell online, but nothing quite clicked.

Air Purifying Systems Owner Leo Patel

“My wife and I were walking around the house looking for problems to solve. I went into my daughter’s room and the smell from all her sports equipment hit me. So, I did some research on air freshening products, but I learned that most were toxic.”

Petal continued his research and found the scent-clearing power of bamboo charcoal bags and eventually, air purifying systems. In the end, he discovered that stale air didn’t just need to be cleared, it needed to be cleaned. 

Thus, his business Air Purifier Systems was born. He began selling a wide range of air purifiers, mostly to customers who had medical conditions or those who already knew about the importance of air purifiers. For the most part, business was going well, Petal separated himself from the competition by offering live phone consultations, free shipping, and allowing customers to bargain for a lower price — elements he picked up from a career in the fast-paced world of corporate automotive sales.

Then, COVID-19 hit. And Petal went from doing well to becoming one of the biggest online sellers of air purification systems. He’s confident that his products work to improve indoor air quality — banishing nasties like dust, allergens, and even viruses like COVID-19.

Models like the Airocide APS-300 help keep harmful viral particles out of the air.

“If your concern is the recirculation of dangerous pathogens like COVID, you need an air purifier that has UV light and PCO technology,” Petal says. “As it brings in the air, if there’s any dangerous particles being sucked in, that air purifier is going to kill it rather than recirculating it.”

The UV/PCO models that Petal suggests on his website hail from the Ecoquest and Airpura brands, and all models on his site are 10% off for a limited time. 

While Petal’s machines are not bargain basement cheap, he says the benefit to your household’s health is priceless. 

“It’s great for kids, because now you’re getting all the dust and bacteria out the air.”

And for those who figure a good old can of Lysol will replace the power of one of Petal’s high-powered machines, think again. 

“It’s temporary,” he says of quick-fixes like disinfectant sprays. “It’s like falling and cutting your leg open and bandaging it up with a bunch of band aids. You’ll need to get to the doctor to get it sewed up at some point.”

If you’re curious about getting some information on the air quality in your home before purchasing a filtration product, Petal sells an activated carbon sensitivity test to try out first. 

“Right now your house probably smells fine, but that doesn’t mean the air is clean,” he said. It’s the things that you can’t see are what’s killing people.”

Shop Air Purifier Systems here.

About Post Author

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Naeesa Aziz
Naeesa Azizhttp://www.naeesa.com
I'm a copywriter, digital marketer, and occasional journalist who helps busy entrepreneurs and business owners share their products with the world.
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