Whether you’re trying to pay down college debt or start a business, you’ll need solid guidance and expert advice from professionals. From blogs to social media accounts, we’ve rounded up the best online resources to steer you in the right financial direction. These seven resources cover everything Black finance — from breaking out as an entrepreneur to navigating the prejudiced loan system.
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Tonya Rapley – Credit: MyFabFinance.com[/caption]
Created by Certified Financial Educator Tonya Rapley,
My Fab Finance is focused on money management for millennials. After gaining attention from mogul Russel Simmons, Rapley and her financial education brand took off. With over 40,000 Instagram followers, My Fab Finance helps young adults attain financial freedom via a blog, TV shows, and a prolific Instagram account. Follow My Fab Finance on
Instagram for financial tips, or to learn more about the founder’s journey to becoming self-employed.
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Marsha Barnes – Credit: TheFinanceBar.com[/caption]
The Finance Bar is a financial education bus that travels across the country teaching personal finance to schools, organizations, and corporations. Marsha Barnes founded the company with the sole purpose of making financial literacy accessible to all communities. If you can’t get The Finance Bar to come to you, then subscribe to the blog or follow its Instagram account, which offers priceless advice for free.
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Dr. Boyce Watkins – Credit: Boycewatkins.com[/caption]
Dr. Watkins is probably more famously known for his controversial opinions, but the economist and activist is also lauded for his campaign to help black Americans “escape the corporate plantation.” A financial scholar and entrepreneur himself, Dr. Watkins advocates economic empowerment and self-sustainability within the black community. His brand consists of a boot camp, books, and a fiery Twitter account, where Dr. Watkins regularly unleashes unapologetic commentary on the economic oppression of black Americans.
Black Enterprise Magazine has been offering expert guidance for entrepreneurs and small business owners since 1970, making it one of the oldest money resources designed specifically for African-Americans. Today, with a print and digital edition, Black Enterprise covers a broad range of topics, including starting a small business, purchasing a home and financial violence.
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Tanisha Sykes – Credit: Twitter.com/tanishastips[/caption]
As the former Senior Personal Finance and Career Editor for Essence, Tanisha A. Sykes has become a go-to source for career and money guidance. Her articles have been featured on Inc.com, USA Today and TIME. Through her “Tanishastips”, Sykes dishes out career development advice to her 3,000 Twitter followers. Follow Sykes on
Twitter if you want to know how to start a lucrative side gig or ace a job interview.
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Ben Carter – Credit: Urban News Service[/caption]
Ben Carter’s
Manage Your Damn Money is probably the most straight-forward online resource for money management. While the blog tackles topics from retirement to oppressive student loans, the YouTube channel delves into real-life scenarios, such as addressing athletes going broke after retirement to understanding payroll taxes.
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Kara – Credit: Twitter.com/frugalfeminista[/caption]
The Frugal Feminista is more than a money blog—it’s an online resource specifically designed to financially and emotionally empower black women. The website’s founder, Kara, intertwines therapy in her financial coaching to heal women from debt and financial mismanagement. Her blog is a reflection of the her unique approach on wealth and money management, featuring sections of content on self-care, minimalism, and credit scores.]]>
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