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HomeLifestyleWhy Are Our Black Men Mysteriously Dying After Fighting For Equality?

Why Are Our Black Men Mysteriously Dying After Fighting For Equality?

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Over the past couple of years there have been some prominent figures who were driving forces behind the Black Lives Matter Movement.  They were fighting battles not only in the streets but behind closed doors as well.  Right before our eyes we’ve seen 5 Black men die (some in the same way) only after they’ve been seen on TV, showcasing their anger with how Black men in America are being gunned down by police.

5 Black Men Who’ve Died Behind The Scenes

Muhiyidin Elamin Moye (who went by Muhiyidin d’Baha) was the Black Lives Matter leader known for diving over a barrier to snatch a confederate flag from a protester on Live TV.  I know you all remember that, I literally looked just liked the “wow” emoji. My mouth was dropped open, because I couldn’t believe what he just did.  He definitely drew national attention after saying he reacted that way because the flag was upsetting some of the elders that were in the vicinity.  Moye was shot in the thigh while riding his bike, and died shortly after he arrived at the hospital.  Police claim it was a random act of violence but I don’t believe that one bit.
 Protester and activist DeAndre Joshua was murdered after testifying before a grand jury in Ferguson.  He was a witness to the shooting and death of Michael Brown.  Joshua was found shot in the head, his body and car lit on fire.  This was the very same same night that protesters stormed the streets angry over the grand jury’s decision to NOT indict officer Darren Wilson.   Are these connected in some way?  They have to be, especially since DeAndre was childhood friends with Dorian Wilson, who was initially with Michael Brown at the time of his death
Another activist, Edward Crawford was the young man who defiantly threw a tear gas canister back at riot police. That picture of him throwing that canister will forever be ingrained in my mind; as soon as I saw it, I went from thinking, “what the hell is wrong with him?” to “he could have gotten hurt,” to a quick, “yesssssssssss you better throw that canister and show them we aren’t having it.”  Crawford was found shot to death in his car, and according to police he shot himself in the back seat of his car and they aren’t sure if it was a suicide or an accident.  Hmmmmmmm, ok , on to the next
Another “day-one” Ferguson protester who took to the streets to demand justice after Brown’s death – Darren Seals.  He had become among St. Louis’s most prominent anti-violence advocates and a co-founder of Hands Up United.  He too was found by cops shot dead with his car lit on fire, this seems to be way too common in Ferguson.  It seems that if you speak up and you’re against what takes place in your community then you become a target, and will be set on fire as a warning to others who may want to follow in those footsteps.
Marshawn McCarrel, another Black Lives Matter activist died outside of the Ohio statehouse.  Officers state that it was from a self-inflicted gun shot, yet no one witnessed the shooting. He helped organize protests in Ohio following the death of Michael Brown and assisted in raising awareness around the Black Lives Matter movement.


I am well aware that mental illness is something that an immense amount of people deal with, and sometimes those feelings can lead some people to commit suicide.  However, there is NO way ALL of these Black men committed suicide or were killed by someone who they previously had issues with.  I feel like they were killed to keep them, their agenda, and their missions silenced. These Black men were out in the streets protecting our rights and fighting for what they believed in, but who was protecting them? Who is protecting the Black men following in their foot steps?

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