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HomeEntertainmentBlack Owned Drive-In Movie Theater Offers Great Vibes, Social Distancing

Black Owned Drive-In Movie Theater Offers Great Vibes, Social Distancing

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When was the last time you went out to see a good movie? COVID-19 has all but erased the possibility but two Black entrepreneurs in the Chicagoland area are reviving that old time feeling, in an an old school way, according to the Chicago Defender. PR Pop-Ups is a mobile drive-in operation that provides a turnkey solution for family fun. The business model allows for quick setup at sites around the area, enabling the company to literally take their show on the road. Movie theaters still aren’t able to open in most places but as always, Black entrepreneurs are using their creativity to feed the soul.

Percy Scott is the Founder of Global 360 Marketing. His partner, Rita Lee, is the owner of NuFace Entertainment. On Mother’s Day, the two combined their creative energies to launch PR Pop-Ups. The company has already, as the Defender reported, executed sites in Harvey and Hazel Crest, both suburbs south of Chicago. The company has immediate plans to expand to more sites in the Chicagoland area, a much welcomed solution to a summer that may otherwise be void of family entertainment options. COVID-19 forced Percy and Rita to be creative. Percy’s marketing company had few options, since concerts were canceled. Rita came up with the idea to do a drive-in movie theater and they launched on Mother’s Day weekend. As rioting and looting was happening all around them, families from around the area were peacefully enjoying the show.

Percy and Rita

The first show took place in Harvey, where they got the mayor’s approval to do the show the Friday morning before Mother’s Day. The pair had a flyer ready to go by Friday night. By 9 the next morning, they already had 500 cars reserved. The event had 350,000 shares on social media, according to Scott. The mayor of Hazel Crest heard about the success of the event and quickly requested PR Pop-Ups to duplicate the event there. PR Pop-Ups is pure innovation, motivated by the necessity of Black entrepreneurs who needed to make a pivot. Their success is proof that even now, opportunities are plentiful, with the right hustle and creativity.

Please read the Chicago Defender’s interview with Percy and Rita here.

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D'Juan Hopewell
D'Juan Hopewell
I care about Black Power. Period. Currently working on creating jobs and funding new startups on the South Side of Chicago and writing here and there at HopewellThought.com. Follow me @HopewellThought.
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