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HomeEntrepreneurshipBlack Owned Publishing Company Is Helping Black Creatives Monetize Their Writings

Black Owned Publishing Company Is Helping Black Creatives Monetize Their Writings

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The Literary Revolutionary is helping the Black community take control of our writing. A movement is happening in literature, one that is creating literary legacies by documenting and publishing our stories and expertise in books, while also educating literary professionals on how to execute their craft and become “authorpreneurs.” One of the chief soldiers in this movement is Nia Sadé Akinyemi, also known as “The Literary Revolutionary.
At just 25 Nia is already a 3-time Bestselling Author, NAACP Award Winning Activist, and Owner of an international publishing house dedicated to Black and brown people, YBF Publishing LLC. Nia started her career as a Book Editor at age 19, after having established a successful “side-buspreneurship” editing papers for her peers. A year after editing over a dozen books, Nia decided that she was finally ready to write and self-publish her own. But it was November 1, 2015 when she discovered how badly she needed to have a published book and in hand. Nia was offered the chance to speak on grassroots activism in Atlanta for a conference at New York University, by several chapters of the Black Student Union.
In the 10 days leading up to the conference, Nia pulled pages of content from her social media platforms, crafted an extensive outline, wrote and published her first book, “Young Black Fearless: The 7 Step Guide to Activism.” Though it seemed a triumphant feat to have accomplished such a task in such a short time, Nia made A LOT of mistakes with her first book that eventually motivated her to learn more about the publishing industry. Over the next 4 years Nia worked on over 75 books and published nearly three dozen Black Authors. Today Nia has published 7 books already with 10 more in queue, before this year ends. As an Author Coach and Literary Activist, The Literary Revolutionary has reached over 10,000 people across her social media platforms through her strategic literary campaigns urging Black people to write and publish powerful books with ease and confidence.
Nia spearheaded the #BlackAuthorsMatter campaign, which garnered the attention and support of Black Authors and literary professionals across the nation for 9 months. In January 2018, Nia published “Write the Book, Sis! An Interactive Guide to Writing A Powerful Book Your Audience Will Want to Read,” after having “written” the book via her Instagram/Facebook LIVE videos; that raised her social following to nearly 8,000 subscribers. From that book, Nia was able to secure 10 Black women writers who wanted to publish and she released each of their books last year. If you are still wondering whether to self-publish or take the partner publishing route, you may consider reading through the pros and cons of each option. Whether you decide to self-publish or partner publish, remember companies such as YBF Publishing which offer a range of author solutions such as book editing, cover design, and marketing promotional assistance.

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Lattifa Bryant
Lattifa Bryanthttp://www.authorqueen.com
I am Lattifa Bryant, Author of "Speak The Night After I Killed Myself" and owner of Author Queen and Company. I emphasize black power through encouraging people to command their voices to speak freely about internal pain because when you control the enemies within, the enemies outside can't harm you. When you own everything that has ever happened to you, your enemies cannot control you. You see, what tried to break me, actually reinvented me through my powerful ability to S.P.E.A.K. Now I want to share the same tools to help you reinvent you! You are worth fighting for! Speak is available for purchase on my website www.authorqueen.com, Kindle, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobel. Connect with me on instagram @theauthorqueen or email hello@authorqueen.com
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