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HomeYouthBlack Like Me: Culturally Responsive Education at Home and School

Black Like Me: Culturally Responsive Education at Home and School

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Cecilia and the Bumblebees, I Am Me, and Beautiful Brown Boy, all written by Black authors for Black children. In addition, here are a few apps and websites to help further student achievement at home and at school: www.webuyblack.com – Our children & toys section has a variety of books and learning materials sold by Black-owned businesses. We Read Too – App used to locate books with characters of color by authors of color. www.abcmeflashcards.com – Letter flash cards featuring celebrated Black heroes and heroines thebrownbookshelf.com – Features books with characters of color by authors of color. Includes books by child authors as well. www.wambookbundle.com – WAM! Book Bundle delivers a monthly set of culturally diverse children’s books. For parents and educators, there are lots of good reads about including culture in education. Gloria Ladson-Billings’ works, But That’s Just Good Teaching! and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy 2.0 a.k.a. The Remix, can provide valuable information about making education inclusive. Aspiring or current teachers may also want to read Beyond Heroes and Holidays” which challenges the typical inclusion of culture in schools and provides insight to elevating the way we teach children about diverse populations. These books and materials can not only be shared with your child’s teacher but utilized at home. A child educated only at school is truly an uneducated child. A combination of teacher and parent support is sure to build an unstoppable generation. Let’s continue working together to ensure our future feels empowered and valued in society. This is even more alarming with our current government climate defunding education and catering toward the privileged few. We can almost assure that they will not be looking for culturally appropriate materials for our students.]]>

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