#WeBuyBlack28–Day 28
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Seventeenth Watches
I had the opportunity to chat with the owner of Seventeenth Watches, Chris Johnson. What caught my attention about Seventeenth, was the true simplicity, the classic designs, and timelessness of his brand. The watch designs have such a prestigious and timeless look. They’re something I can wear today or in the next decade and still be in style. Each Seventeenth timepiece is created to maintain it’s durability, quality, and longevity. Keep reading to get some behind the scenes access on the brand, Seventeenth Watches.
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SEVENTEENTH WATCHES, Chris Johnson, Owner[/caption]
Q & A
1. I see that you are a veteran. I would first like to say thank you for your service. So, tell me, how did you come up with the name, Seventeenth? And when did you birth the brand? Where is Seventeenth Watches based?
A: Thank you! Yes I served 6+ years in the U.S Army, so we’re based out of San Bernardino, CA. Seventeenth Watches was founded in 2015 while I was on active duty in Kaiserslautern, Germany. The name “Seventeenth” is just a world play on a fraction. I’m 1 out of 7 children or 1/7th, so I bent the fraction a little and came up with 17th (Seventeenth). I built the company in honor of my family so I wanted a name that reflects that.
2. Your brand is developed around your watches. Why watches? What inspired you to go that route?
A: I actually started off as a collector of watches, since I can remember I’ve always had a deep fascination with time, how long it takes to do something or get somewhere so I would time everything I did as a kid. As I grew up, I started to realize that time was more precious than I thought, we will never get more, no matter what. Because I always timed everything I did I keep a few watches in my collection, and would go from sports watches to dress watches and decided it was time for me to design my own.
3. Your tag line is “Time Is the Only Luxury – Spread Love.” Can you go a little deeper into the inspiration and meaning behind that?
A: The slogan is actually a Kanye West quote, he said it in an interview and it hit me deep. The time we spend with our family, friends, traveling, exploring & doing what we love to do, taking control over our own lives, is what’s truly going to bring us joy. If we should miss these opportunities or not take advantage of them, we can’t just refill our time cards you know, the time is lost forever. It’s a thought we want everyone to keep in the front of their minds.
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4. Are your watches unisex?
A: Yes, we have a few styles for men & a few styles for women, but the majority of all our watches are unisex.
5. The style is undeniably impeccable. The metals look super prestige, and the overall aesthetic looks very well built. How did you come up with the design?
A: Thank you, the designs and names of the watches are inspired by our love for simplistic beauty, both internally and externally. Mixing minimalistic designs with a combination of straps that bring the design to life. Whether thats an exotic leather, a metal strap or the always classic/comfortable silicone strap.
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6. After scouring through the official Seventeenth Watches website, my personal favorite is the ‘Allure Gold Watch’. I like the timelessness of it. I’m a gold metal type of girl so that really attracted me to the design. How would you style your watches on someone that has no sense of fashion or style, and really trying to make the transition from trendy fashion to a more classic grown up wardrobe?
A: I’m glad you like the Allure, it’s actually our best selling watch. Gold and rose gold looks amazing on our black and brown skin tones. For someone who has no sense of fashion or style I would always start with a design that’s simplistic with simple colors like black or white. Our watches,
I.S.I (Iron sharpens Iron),
Regal (black), or the
Sonder (White/Rose gold) would be my suggestions for those who doesn’t have a sense of fashion.
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7.What does the future hold for Seventeenth Watches?
A: We want to become the household name for watches in the community & build a community around the brand. Spread knowledge, wisdom & most importantly
Spread Love. #SpreadLove
Learn More and Purchase Seventeenth Watches HERE!
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