Black queen out there!
Dear goddess, in 168 hours or, in other words 7 days, how many hours do you spend loving yourself? Appreciating yourself? Caring for yourself? Or spoiling yourself?
If you do any of this, great! Now, it is time to spread this around you. Wherever you go, sprinkle those good vibes because you carry and transfer your the inner feelings. Teach your sister, your cousin, your mama and your aunt to feel good about themselves. We all need a little bit of this.
For the beauties out there who are beating themselves up, it is time to say « I am woman and I define ME » Do not let anything or anybody stop your glow and when I say glow, I mean your freedom to be yourself, your love for yourself and your happiness.
Are you really happy? Are you really loving your life? Are you really doing and playing on your own terms? These answers are what make you YOU. It is never too late to find yourself. It is a journey.
Keep in mind that you are beautiful