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HomeBuying BlackDr. King Was Born 91 Years Ago Today, Here's The $830 Million...

Dr. King Was Born 91 Years Ago Today, Here’s The $830 Million Question He’d Ask Now

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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Robert Taylor Homes (Source: Getty Images)

Dr. King would have been 91-years-old today, if not for an assassin’s bullet in 1968. When King last spoke to Black America, it was with a clear directive to build vibrant Black institutions and use the Black dollar to combat racism (click here for more about that speech). King was demanding — not asking — Black people not buy from white companies strategically, in order to build up Black communities. That said, if King were here today, he’d wonder why Black people spend $830 million each year on laundry detergents, when we have our own.

According to Nielsen, Black consumers spend $829.8 million each year on detergents. In the spirit of Dr. King, on this day marking his entry into the world, we demand Black people stop handing over almost $1 billion each year to people who think nothing of oppressing you. We are not asking but telling you to strategically join with us this year, in moving towards power and liberation. No one can oppress you, unless you give them the money to do it. We Buy Black has boldly declared this year that we have a Blueprint, a strategic plan of action towards real power. We’re not talking about it, we’re simply doing it.

91 years is a long time and yet, the share of wealth Black people control in America isn’t radically different. Shifting $830 million every year, however, is a good start. This year, in the spirit of Dr. King, we demand that all of us follow the Blueprint. Fortunately, it’s quite simple to do. Each month we are identifying one product or service that we all generally use and switching it to a Black owned company: permanently. In this month of January the directive is to buy True Laundry Detergent. You can order online or find local distributors who can get it to you faster and cheaper on True’s website by clicking here. Hell, if you really need help, feel free to email the author with questions.

Dr. King wouldn’t understand why Black people allow $830 million each year to strengthen companies who are, at best, indifferent to Black suffering. Dr. King wouldn’t understand why so many Black people find reasons to use their dollar to fund their own oppression. Dr. King wouldn’t understand, given the power and opportunity we have, why we wouldn’t choose to strengthen us through the simple act of buying Black.

Are you following We Buy Black’s 2020 Blueprint for Black Power?? Click here for more.

About Post Author

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D'Juan Hopewell
D'Juan Hopewell
I care about Black Power. Period. Currently working on creating jobs and funding new startups on the South Side of Chicago and writing here and there at HopewellThought.com. Follow me @HopewellThought.
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