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HomeHealth & WellnessIndulged Over the Holiday? Detox with Dherbs, the #1 Selling Herbal Cleanse

Indulged Over the Holiday? Detox with Dherbs, the #1 Selling Herbal Cleanse

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With the holiday season behind us, there’s no better time to cleanse our bodies and start off right in the new year. And what better way to do that than with the number one, best-selling herbal detox in the U.S.: DHerbs Full Body Cleanse?

While other cleanses focus on removing waste from the colon, the Dherbs Full-Body Cleanse does exactly what it’s intended to do: cleanse the whole body, including your immune system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, blood vessels, and the body’s major organs. Mullein, dandelion leaf, and ginger root are just a few ingredients from the long list of detoxifying herbs that help flush toxins out of your body.

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Founder and owner A.D. Dolphin stands behind his cleanse and highlights that it’s more than just a cleanse. He also says that it’s a reset, as the cleanse is meant to be used along with a raw vegan diet. These two, he says, are the keys to getting on track to overall better health. He also stresses that the cleanse is a safe way to lose 10-30 pounds in 20 days. 

As an advocate for better health in the Black community, Dolphin also recommends the cleanse for lowering high blood sugar and high blood pressure, two diseases that affect over 50% of the Black American population.

“Food has really done us in,” Dolphin says, referring to how diet has affected our overall health.

But hope is not lost. With the right mindset and a lifestyle change, Dolphin believes anyone can achieve optimum health.

Dherbs’ Journey

You can say that the DHerbs Full Body Cleanse is the O.G. of herbal body cleanses. Long before detoxes and cleanses were a trend, DHerbs was already a leading supplier of herbal supplements and cleanses. And Dolphin was one of the first Black entrepreneurs in the industry.

Dolphin founded Dherbs in 2004 after he stopped playing basketball. After he quit the sport, he noticed he began gaining weight. His friend suggested that he try cleansing. Dolphin loved the way the cleanse made his body feel and wanted to bring that feeling of better health to others.

DHerbs Full Body Cleanse

Dolphin then hired a team of herbalists to develop an all-natural cleanse that would help clean the body’s major organs and systems, with weight loss being a positive side effect. He started selling this cleanse to his friends, who noticed weight loss and other results, including clearer skin and better concentration. That’s when he decided to produce the

 cleanses on a larger scale. And so Dherbs was born. 

Since 2004, Dherbs has grown to become one of the leading online retailers of herbal supplements. Dolphin has since appeared on the Steve Harvey radio show and television show. In fact, Dherbs was the official sponsor of the famous weight-loss transformations on The Steve Harvey Show for five years. 

Dherbs has over 400 products, but it’s the Full Body Cleanse that Dolphin believes you should start with. 

Exclusive Discount for the We Buy Black Family
Order the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse and Save 10% With Discount Code ‘WeBuyBlack’

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