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HomeFamily & RelationshipsMeet the Activist Who Wants More Committed Black Relationships

Meet the Activist Who Wants More Committed Black Relationships

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Black marriage is on the decline. Since 1970, the percentage of Black men who have never married has increased by 15.8 percent. For Black women, the increase is almost 20 percent. While marriage trends have decreased for most races in the U.S., the Black community has seen the most drastic changes.

There’s one activist, Jay White, who wants to change this. White launched the No More Bodies movement 15 years ago to campaign for more committed relationships between Black men and women. Committed relationships, either through marriage or cultural ceremony, are the foundation to stronger Black families, White believes.

Research suggests that marriage leads to a number of benefits, including better health, reducing poverty, and positively impacting children’s wellbeing.

So how does the Atlanta-based activist, author, and entrepreneur campaign for more committed relationships? By mentoring Black men and boys and advocating for them to respect and honor the Black women in their lives. 

The connection between honoring Black women and more fruitful relationships is directly related, White believes. Specifically, he wants Black men to be more intentional about the relationships they forge.

“Our communities are too fragmented to have these fly-by-night relationships,” he said. 

He also advises Black men, “before getting with that woman, stop and ask yourself, ‘what am I building? who are you building with?’”

White’s campaign led him to write a book this year titled No More Bodies: A Discontinuation of Promiscuity and Meaningless Sex. The book gives insight on Black relationships and what’s contributed to the demise of meaningful relationships among Black people.

Order the No More Bodies book today.

Ultimately, White wants to create a movement of people who will commit to building a stronger society.

“We were birthed inside of a construct that was never intended for Black people to achieve the highest level of themselves,” White said.  

White’s experience as a mentor is mostly what shapes his insights. He serves as a guide to young men and commits to being in their lives, seeing them on their journey through life. He knows firsthand how images, music, and propaganda promote promiscuity to young men. 

“We need to deconstruct, reconstruct, and totally construct what we see in our communities,” he added.

While his campaign is directed more toward me, he says it’s a movement for everyone — men and women alike. 

Will you join the No More Bodies movement?

Order your copy of the No More Bodies book today

It’s available as hardback, e-book, and audiobook.

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