Black women start businesses at a higher rate than any other group but it’s not always because they’re brave. They are underpaid in the workforce and often lack personal support systems, thus entrepreneurship is an effort to survive. After Andra Hall’s daughter became ill she had to quit her job. She took a night job in order to be with her daughter during the day but wasn’t making much. After some soul searching and with only $100 left to her name, she opened CamiCakes.

Hall named the company after her daughter, who is doing just fine these days. The day she opened her first store Hall was down to a mere $100 so it had to work. Within two hours she sold out and the rest is history. Today CamiCakes has locations in Atlanta and Florida, a distribution center and a creamery. CamiCakes has a cult-like following, such that even the likes of Oprah Winfrey have taken notice. Hall’s success is no accident — she combined her passion, need and hustle to make it work and people responded to her.

It would have been easy for Andra to not pursue her business. Given her personal circumstances, even a $9 hourly wage represented some level of security. There were, for sure, already many bakeries around so what would make her special? Still, Black women have for a very long time defied odds in this country and built empires. From Madam C.J. Walker to Andra Hall, this history is dynamic and inspiring. Black women can — period. Every time you enjoy a delicious treat from CamiCakes remind yourself of the struggle that produced its unique beauty.

Andra Hall took the risk and defied the odds. What is stopping you? With a vision, passion and hard work, there is no limit to what Black entrepreneurs can achieve. Today you are reading about Andra Hall’s success, tomorrow we should be reading about yours.