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HomeUncategorizedShoot Your Shot At These Black Owned Gun Ranges & Shops

Shoot Your Shot At These Black Owned Gun Ranges & Shops

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Photo: naaga.co
People traditionally fire guns on Independence Day. For Black people, Juneteenth is widely recognized as the beginning of the promise of liberty. It is appropriate that should the day be commemorated by fire, it be done at a Black owned gun range. Firearms, after all, are serious business and before use, training is in order.

Wilson Brothers Armory officially launched in 2017. The brothers realized that their community needed to become more knowledgeable about how firearms function, needed more training, and lacked knowledge of firearm law. So they took on the challenge of not only being able to provide their community with that knowledge but also, to provide them with the tools necessary to reach their firearm goals. Wilson Brothers loves helping people protect their families, put food on the table, and/or safely and successfully shoot for fun. They are the Washington, DC area’s premier, one stop shop for all firearm sales and training.

On Point Arms is a licensed firearms dealer located in Windsor, Colorado. On Point specializes in all of the top makes and models of firearms and accessories, as well as outdoor and sporting goods. On Point Arms offers handguns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, knives and a vast array of accessories for everyone. There is not a single need with respect to firearms, magazines and other gear that On Point Arms cannot supply.

Redstone Firearms is a Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealer with two locations in Southern California. Their suite of services includes one on one gun cleaning appointments, gun purchase assessment consultants, FFL transfers (in and out of state), firearm accessory sales, FSC insurance, educational courses and much more. As NRA, USCCA, NAAGA licensed instructors, citizens and advocates of the Second Amendment, they understand that handguns and rifles are not a one size fits all approach, and help customers purchase a firearm that suits their specific needs.

To connect with more Black gun owners, shops and service providers, consider joining the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA),

the Black Gun Owner’s Association or another affiliation.

About Post Author

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D'Juan Hopewell
D'Juan Hopewell
I care about Black Power. Period. Currently working on creating jobs and funding new startups on the South Side of Chicago and writing here and there at HopewellThought.com. Follow me @HopewellThought.
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