Social Values
This country’s set of social values is in a constant state of turbulence. With the FBI leaking a terrorist watch list consisting of ‘Black Identity Extremists,’ our community being targeted by the authorities is no conspiracy. It is instead concrete with evidence to validate the claims and exhibits the country’s social values.
In an attempt to purge this country of ignorance and intolerance, members of the Black community must focus on improving our own social worth and appearance to the rest of the world. People will have their preconceived notions about us anyway. That is all the more reason to act oppositely instead of stereotypically.
We Buy Black does amazing work promoting Black economics and entrepreneurship, which in turn speaks immense volumes about our social worth. But in order to further improve our social worth and our outward appearance, there is one thing that must be addressed.
The N-Word
Author Ta-Nehisi Coates gave a talk recently in response to his new book, We Were Eight Years In Power. A white student asked Coates why it is permissible for Black people to say the N-word, but white people are not allowed to. Coates gave a decent answer. He stated that not being able to say the N-word grants white people a sense of what it’s like to be Black in this society.
Some points that Coates gave were brilliant. Coates explained how people with an innate sense of privilege view the N-word as something white people created. That is true. Therefore, some white people feel that they should have the right to say it. When Black people disapprove of the N-word, people with the aforementioned mentality tend to question the social norms because to them, there is no reason why they should not be able to say it.
As noted earlier, Coates made some excellent points. But what if we were to abolish the use of the N-word altogether? As a part of our social economy, the way we carry ourselves is the way that we will be perceived. If we continue to refer to each other as the N-word — despite the abominable distinction between n***er and n***a — then who is to stop non-Black people from referring to us in that manner?
In order to improve our social worth, we should adhere to the list below:
Terms To Eradicate The N-Word

I first became aware of this term, which is similar to brother, when I watched John Singleton’s Babyboy for the first and last time.
This term is another timeless term of endearment that will never go out of style. I still hear my younger cousin and his friends refer to each other in this manner.
This is a timeless term of endearment that will never go out of style. Even my great-uncle, Vietnam vet Lloyd Alexander calls me homie sometimes.
Brother (Brotha)
Ok, ok. You’re right, this term is considered archaic. Being a derivative of the term Soul Brother, it’s a highly dated term reminiscent of the ‘70s. It’s a better alternative, however.
To be honest, either one of these is better than the N-word. So take your pick, and join We Buy Black in reconstructing our social economic status with the world.
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