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HomeEntrepreneurshipThis Black Entrepreneur Is Giving Away Thousands To Startup Companies

This Black Entrepreneur Is Giving Away Thousands To Startup Companies

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Rashad Howard is an activist but he doesn’t attend protests. Instead, he gives his money away to entrepreneurs who are starting companies. Rashad’s activism is business and through that vehicle he’s determined to see his people gain self determination — the ability to control our own fate and dictate what happens in our lives. Having already built several successful businesses, Rashad spends most of his time now helping other entrepreneurs achieve success. His latest move is to give away thousands of dollars — out of his own pocket — to entrepreneurs who send him a virtual pitch.

A virtual pitch levels the playing field. Typically entrepreneurs must find a way to get to venture funders. That can mean catching a flight, hotel stays and a variety of other expenses. Further, it’s not always easy to find out where those opportunities can be found. Rashad is changing all of that –with a camera, some creativity and a solid plan, any entrepreneur can win this competition. Rashad is planning to give away $2,500 of his own money to the grand prize winner of this latest virtual pitch competition. Additionally, $50 will go to each of the first ten people who pitch (and follow all the instructions). The deadline to submit pitches is June 18th and winners will be announced on June 20th, so hurry. Simply click here to go to the virtual pitch site and get started.

$2500 can help a startup hire an intern, bring on a freelancer for a project, establish a marketing budget or help buy a plane ticket to have that critical meeting. No matter where your company is in its development, $2500 is helpful. In addition, Rashad offers seminars to help founders learn how to pitch and be more attractive to investors. You can view a recent seminar on how to pitch your business here and register for a June 13th seminar on how to build your business to an actual customer. If you’re not an entrepreneur you can still be involved in this pitch competition. Entrepreneurs need support, after all. You can vote for your favorite pitches by going to this link over the next several days.

If you are serious about building your business you have no excuse to not participate in this pitch competition. You don’t need to travel for it or waste money on a fancy lunch with an investor. The virtual pitch levels the playing field, you just need to focus on submitting a rock solid pitch. If you have a friend who is an entrepreneur, send this to them and let them take their best shot. Dreams are only achieved when you act on opportunity and this one is knocking.

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D'Juan Hopewell
D'Juan Hopewell
I care about Black Power. Period. Currently working on creating jobs and funding new startups on the South Side of Chicago and writing here and there at HopewellThought.com. Follow me @HopewellThought.
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