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HomeBuying BlackTime Out For Whitewashing Black Problems!

Time Out For Whitewashing Black Problems!

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generational wealth of our White counterparts (via slavery) but we do manage to inject a massive amount of currency into the global economy. And while some experts debate whether Blacks Americans actually possess the $1.3 Trillion buying power that some studies show, the the fact that we overwhelmingly constitute the majority of the buyers and not the sellers is undebatable. It’s time for that trend to shift! (Now Enter Knowledge…) We as Black people simply can’t expect to thrive in a society where everyone else understands community economics except us. Buying outside of our community has positioned us as our own worst enemy and as every other culture’s prized asset. Also, it’s unrealistic and unproductive to continually cry, gripe and protest about any societal issues without attaching Black economic solutions and/or courses of action. All issues that cripple the Black community can only be cured by effectively and thoroughly treating the psychological and fiscal well-being of our community. Unsurprisingly, many non-Black detractors actively oppose the “Buy Black” and “Black Lives Matter” movements because they feel that they promote racism and divisiveness. I, on the other hand, contend that these movements simply aim to sustain self preservation, justice and empowerment in a society where every other race does exactly the same. Whites, Arabs, & Asians especially Never Buy Black or any other color for that matter unless they absolutely NEED a good or service that no one in their community can provide. For example, many Whites who enjoy Asian food are compelled to dine at Asian restaurants for 2 obvious reasons: 1.) There is no one in the White community who knows how to prepare Asian foods better than Asians and 2.) Asians refuse to sell their intellectual equity (recipes, products, distributors) to any other race or culture because they understand the power of community economics. { Notice I didn’t say the power of community hate or divisiveness, but the power of community love, wisdom and prosperity. } The question is when will Black people perpetually embrace and allocate our dollars, knowledge and resources into one community, Our Own! Here’s a short video I produced to inspire and motivate all of us to continually practice community economics and to Build & Buy Black… Peace & Blessings      ]]>

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