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HomeBuying BlackTop 10 Reasons to Join WeBuyBlack.com

Top 10 Reasons to Join WeBuyBlack.com

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  • A Social Cure: Currently in America, Black people have the highest rates for poverty, homelessness, joblessness, crime, and imprisonment. All of these metrics can be linked back to economic dependency and instability. Black-owned companies have a 90% rate of hiring of their own race higher than any other ethnic group. Therefore, the more successful businesses we have in our community, the more Black people will have steady work.
    1. Were Black Owned: WeBuyBlack is a Black-owned company.
    1. Business Development: From Amazon to Etsy and Ebay, there are many online marketplaces to shop from. However, WeBuyBlack is not just a marketplace, its also a business development and resource center. WeBuyBlack now offers monthly grants starting at $2,000, and we will continue to build and solidify partnerships with various nonprofit organizations and donors.
    1. Representation: WeBuyBlack intentionally adds Black models throughout the site giving proper representation of the people the site serves.
    1. Cross Sales: As a hub dedicated to Black-owned business, many vendors are discovered when customers are invited to shop on the site and discover items theyve never seen before.
    1. Buy Black Conveniently: For years, the excuse for not shopping within the Black community has been well, I cant find them. That excuse is officially dead. Find everything you want and need by Black-owned businesses, online. Keep your money within the Black community to directly affect change.
    1. A Generational Call: From Malcolm to Martin, practically every great Black leader has preached the need to participate in group economics. With access to technology making that goal easier than ever, lets make their visions a reality.
    1. Black Children Matter: Building this foundation and network of Black business ownership will have a positive impact for generations to come.
    1. Its Cheap: Now, if you compare WeBuyBlack to Etsy or Amazon, youll find that these other platforms have slightly lower rates. But, what these other platforms do not have, is a budget set aside specifically to aid the Black community. WeBuyBlack, is not just a global marketplace facilitating sales all over the world, its also a movement. Just like Black Lives Matter, Black Dollars Matter too.
    1. Its a Family Thing: Lets say you are in need of a car. Your new brother-in-law works at car dealership where he is paid by commission. All things being equal, would you purchase a car from another dealership where you do not know anyone that works there? Or would you buy from the dealership that your brother-in-law works for? Exactly! You chose your brother-in-law because not only will your family come down on you, but you know that the earnings he will make will help your sister and their children. Therefore, support webuyblack.com, we are your family!


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