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HomeBuying BlackTop 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

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Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts Top Five Black Owned Money Podcasts

“Learning to master our personal finances can help us buy back the block!”

Peerless Money Mentor

  When we improve our own finances, we have more money to help those in need.  We have have more money to spend on projects like We Buy Black that positively impact our neighborhoods.  Most importantly, learning to master our personal finances can help us buy back the block by inspiring us to create a business of our own!  How can we acquire the knowledge needed to improve our financial lives?  Listening to money podcasts is one easy way to do it!  Today we will be discussing the top five Black owned money podcasts!

1. Journey to Launch

Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

Journey to Launch was created by Jamila Souffrant, a certified financial education instructor.  She and her husband saved and invested $85,300 in one year.  While you might not be able to duplicate that, you can definitely learn some invaluable tips about money management from her.  She normally has a new guest on weekly and the majority of her shows are shorter than 40 minutes.  Episode 16 is one of her most powerful episodes; she speaks to a single mother, Naseema McElroy, about how she went from being broke to paying off $300,000 in debt!

2. Clever Girl Finance

Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

Clever Girl Finance was created by Bola Onada Sokunbi in to help women, “ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.”  Right after graduating from college, she saved over $100,000 in a little more than 3 years.  Her goal is to build generational wealth for her children.  In episode 66 she brings on another Black podcast owner, Tai Mcneely, to discuss marriage and money.

3. His and Her Money

Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

The His & Her Money podcast was created by Talaat & Tai McNeely in 2014.  The couple paid off $30,000 in debt in one year!  According to their site, they were total opposites when it came to managing their money.  Listen to this podcast for tips on how to get on the same page with your partner about money.

4. Paychecks and Balances

Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

The Paychecks and Balances podcast was created in 2016 by Rich and Marcus.  Marcus eliminated $30,000 in debt by the age of 30 and Rich has been working in HR for over a decade.  The two have teamed up to offer career and money management advice for millennials.  Be sure to check out their fun episode titled Don’t Dance Make Money Moves!

5. Rise and Grind with Daymond John

Top 5 Black Owned Money Podcasts

The Rise and Grind podcast was created by Daymond John, the creator of FUBU and Shark tank star!  Currently the podcast only has two episodes up but it is worth adding to your podcast list.  While listening, you might come up with some million dollar business ideas of your own.

The Challenge

Download and listen to at least one podcast episode from this list and try to apply one lesson to your life.  Remember that financial knowledge is only potential power;  it only becomes power when you apply the knowledge you have acquired to your financial life!  ]]>

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