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HomeEntrepreneurship'Top 5' Stock Investments for 2018

'Top 5' Stock Investments for 2018

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We can and we should always think of our money as a vehicle to more freedom for us and the children we are going to leave behind. Stock investments, when done right, will produce dividends that can change the entire outlook of our families’ financial porftfolio. I have 5 really great stock investments for every Black family who’s  finanically able to should invest in 2018. Here they are, straight to the point, no chaser.   Amazon, now at $1,520 a share thanks to its partnership with Whole Foods, Amazon Go, & Music Streaming Service, will continue to be a titan in its industry.

  1. Disney

  2. AbbVie Inc.

  3. Amazon

  4. Netflix

  5. Facebook

  Factors that should be considered when buying potential stocks are.
  • Risk Tolerance what can you handle as far as the ups and downs of the market, because there will be some. Could you lose the whole investment and still be ok?
  • Earnings of the Company- One important thing to look at is if the company has year-to-year growth. Comapre their earnings against their industry competitors. Are they competitive?
  • Investment Goals- What is your personal investment goal? Is it short term or long term? This will decide what strategy you should take.
  • Personal Financial climate – Everyone’s financial background is different. It’s importnat that you don’t start to invest in stocks until you have an substantial emergency fund, and savings set up already. You dont want to be in a position where an emergency has arisen and you have no means to address it.
  As of  Feb 27th 2018, 4 out of 5 of these were were under $200 dollars a share. This is all my opinion though. It’s important that you conduct your own research and factor in your own fianaical background, risk tolernace, and projected investment goals.  ]]>

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