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HomeBeauty & FashionWorld Sleep Day '18: Here are 3 Solutions For Your Sleep Issues

World Sleep Day '18: Here are 3 Solutions For Your Sleep Issues

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Can you guys guess what’s going on this week? Yes, that’s right, it’s World Sleep Day! We all underestimate the importance of sleep but we shouldn’t. World Sleep Day is an event created by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) and World Sleep Federation (WSF). The day of this event changes every year based on Spring Vernal Equinox but this year’s date is Friday, March 16. World Sleep Day is intended to be a celebration of sleep and a call to action on important issues related to sleep, including medicine, education, social aspects and driving. Since this day is designed to create awareness around all issues related to sleep, here are some quick tips for those of you who may have trouble sleeping. Yoga: Yes, here we go again with Yoga. Some poses like savasana, legs up against the wall, and child pose can help. Here is a full video on Bedtime Yoga. Food: Sometimes, we can right to sleep with no issues. Based on some studies, foods that are rich in potassium like bananas and leafy veggies help to relax the muscles. Fiber rich foods and whole grains foods also lead to better sleep. You should make a choice to incorporate these in your diet. Also, due to digestion, you can’t expect to ingest large quantities of food and fall asleep right away.  Remember to always try to eat regularly but with small portions. Schedule:  To sleep better, create a body clock — meaning allow yourself to always sleep around a certain time and stick to it. This might sound crazy but hey it really works.You can create a bed time ritual, prayer, quick bedtime yoga, relaxation, meditation and special music quick night reading etc… There are so many ideas and options out here, You can find what works with your ritual by trying different things then picking the best as we approach World Sleep Day 2018. Here are the previous years’ slogans for World Sleep Day:

  • 2017 “Sleep Soundly, Nurture Life”
  • 2016 “Good Sleep is a Reachable Dream”
  • 2015 “When Sleep is Sound, Health and Happiness Abound”
  • 2014 “Restful Sleep, Easy Breathing, Healthy Body”
  • 2013 “Good Sleep, Healthy Aging”
  • 2012 “Breathe Easily, Sleep Well”
  • 2011 “Sleep Well, Grow Healthy”
  • 2010 “Sleep Well, Stay Healthy”
  • 2009 “Drive Alert, Arrive Safe”
  • 2008 “Sleep Well, Live Fully Awake” (By Worldsleepday.org).
This year’s slogan has not yet been announced.

Challenge yourself to get 8 hours of sleep everyday….Sleep on We Buy Black Community!


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