Now! Welcome back to #WellnessWednesday!
We discovered how Yoga can help us in our everyday life, now let’s discuss the myths vs. the actual facts of yoga so we can get started…
Trust these words, all you need is just YOU and some TIME, and guess what? The interesting part of it is that you define how long you want to practice for!
The greatest news is that there is no requirement.
Being flexible is a myth. Yoga actually helps you to gain flexibility .
Being fit or skinny is a myth. Any BODY can practice Yoga; remember the purpose of Yoga? Yoga aims for the harmony or union of the body mind and spirit.
”Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self to the self.”
Moreover, the asanas (physical postures) will actually help you to become fit
Yoga is only for women. This is a NO. Do men suffer from anxiety? Depression? Stress? Your answer to this question should guide you here.
Yoga is expensive. There are many studios that offer free Yoga sessions for beginners, there are some Yoga teachers who offer free Yoga to their local community and moreover, there are simple and quick sessions on Youtube like this one.
Yoga is a religion. Yoga does involve some spirituality but it is not a religion. Yoga will for sure walk you on the way to a better person if you take what you learn on your mat to your everyday life. Talking about things you learn, some will be patience, self-love, tolerance, trust, confidence, sympathy, appreciation, gratification and so on…
To sum up, you want to start Yoga? Go ahead! You just need You and 15 min for s first time. Do not even get any equipment. If you do not have a mat right now, grab a blanket.