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HomeBuying BlackYoung Inventor May Save Lives With The Oasis

Young Inventor May Save Lives With The Oasis

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Bishop Curry V, Black inventor, Oasis, Black excellence

The Young Inventor

Can you imagine accidentally leaving your child in the hot car? Now imagine that you realize where your child is but it’s too late. Can you imagine the grief you would feel? It’s a horrible thing to imagine. Texas resident, 11-year-old Bishop Curry V, recently witnessed an incident like this. Curry’s neighbors forgot their child in the car and the outcome was fatal. This deadly accident caused the young inventor to come up with an idea to prevent these accidents in the future.


Curry’s invention is simple yet extremely practical. The device, which the young inventor calls Oasis and received media attention last year, would essentially be a fan attached to a child’s seat belt. Using sensors, the fan would detect if a child is left behind in a car. The Oasis would then emit cool air until the parent(s) and/or authorities are notified. Meteorologists from San Jose University shared that 39 children died from heat strokes last year after being left in hot cars. Curry’s Oasis invention could prevent these accidents from occurring as frequently. This invention could potentially prevent these accidents altogether.


As of right now, the ingenious invention is in the design phase. Curry, however, has already obtained the patent on his invention. The Oasis has also garnered support from Toyota. Curry’s father, Bishop Curry IV, who is an engineer for Toyota presented the idea to his company and Toyota is beyond interested. Perhaps, it won’t be long before we see Toyota present the Oasis to the world. Curry and his family recently traveled to Michigan in order to present his prototype at an auto safety convention. For the time being, there are no updates on the status of his invention but we’ll likely hear more from this young inventor.


We Buy Black is proud of young Bishop Curry V for analyzing a problem that has affected so many lives and thinking of a solution. Curry is making a difference and we can’t wait to watch his career flourish. Bishop Curry V, Black inventor, Oasis, Black excellence]]>

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